*will insert mailing list archive link here once it catches up...* ``` Going to create some bug reports related to what we can learn from a multicore RV64GC SOC, "BlackParrot: A Linux-Capable Accelerator Host Multicore" https://github.com/black-parrot/black-parrot Especially their branch predictor and cache-coherency code, and their 14nm tapeout experience from july 2019. ``` Collection of info I found with a very quick search, to be followed up on ``` BlackParrot aims to be the default Linux-capable, cache-coherent, RV64GC multicore used by the world. Project Status The next release of BlackParrot, v 1.0, is coming in January 2020, and will contain support for 1 to 24-way cache coherent multicore, and include baseline user and privilege mode functionality and run Linux. A 14-nm BlackParrot multicore chip was taped out in July 2019. https://github.com/enjoy-digital/black-parrot https://github.com/enjoy-digital/black-parrot/blob/master/GETTING_STARTED.md https://github.com/black-parrot/black-parrot "BlackParrot: An Agile Open Source RISC-V Multicore for Accelerator SoCs" https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9097398 Published in: IEEE Micro ( Early Access ) Page(s): 1 - 1 Date of Publication: 20 May 2020 ISSN Information: DOI: 10.1109/MM.2020.2996145 Publisher: IEEE Open access of same: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f4e8/fc065db9fadcb6b800718bd1f083ffac058a.pdf ``` Subtasks which may need their own bug report in the future: * look at their branch predictor implementation * look at their cache coherency implementation * contact BlackParrot devs about their July 2019 14nm tapeout to see if they are willing to talk about it, see if we can gain any useful insights from them
What do you technically literate people want me to ask about the BlackParrot project/SOC? From the description, at least their branch predictor implementation, and their cache coherency implementation? Or perhaps it's best to wait until you've had time to take a proper look at those implementations first. So, in that case, what do you want to ask them?
There are insufficient similarities between our project and theirs for a dialogue to be fruitful.