Two yosys 'custom technology cell map' files/scripts need to be created of 1) a 512 Byte yosys generated DFF SRAM, so it can be used properly by the coriolis workflow 2) Staf's SRAM block as an opaque VHDL simulation model (specifying only inputs/outputs/ports) so that it can be used by lkcl and others not under NDA to test soclayout/experiment12 and future soclayout work. I have set the deadline for this bug as Friday 12 FEB 2021 because lkcl communicated to me that this will become a blocker shortly, once a certain part of JP's work has been completed. "Cole: I think this stackoverflow question and answer may provide the process needed to do this:": Note that Dave Shah has commented on the answer so it seems like it's the right process." "Staf: As asked in below is a generic SRAM simulation model in VHDL. I had to adapt the model for multiple WE bits so the model is not fully tested. It does analyze with ghdl though...": "Staf: I propose to use Verilog files to define blackboxes for yosys. This would as follows for the SRAM bock...":