Bug 944 - OPF ISA External RFC ls002 - fmvis and fishmv
Summary: OPF ISA External RFC ls002 - fmvis and fishmv
Alias: None
Product: Libre-SOC's first SoC
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Specification (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC Linux
: --- enhancement
Assignee: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
URL: https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/rf...
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Blocks: 952 1009 1092
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Reported: 2022-10-05 14:26 BST by Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
Modified: 2023-05-26 22:49 BST (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
NLnet milestone: NLnet.2022-08-051.OPF
total budget (EUR) for completion of task and all subtasks: 0
budget (EUR) for this task, excluding subtasks' budget: 0
parent task for budget allocation: 1009
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Description Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 2022-10-05 14:26:58 BST
create and submit RFC for fmvis and fishmv

* First Draft       :   03 Oct 2022
* Submitted ls002 v1:   05 Oct 2022
* TODO: Please mention fli2-4 naming scheme and pseudocode in RFC from comment #1
Comment 1 Jacob Lifshay 2022-10-07 17:42:09 BST
suggestion to use fli2 instead of fishmv and to add fli3-4 to load the rest of a f64:
> fli3: RT <- SINGLE(RT) || imm || [0]*16
> fli4: RT[48:63] <- imm
> so flis; fli2; fli3; fli4 ends up being simply the 4 16-bit quarters
> of the final fp64 in sequence from msb to lsb
> and to do a whole fp64 with ext001 64-bit ops would just be pflis pfli3
> pflis is a whole f32, pfli3 is RT <- SINGLE(RT) || imm[0:31]
> i'd like to prioritize instruction names that are easier to understand...
> imho fli2 is quite memorable because it's similar to li
> and it's the second step of loading fp immediates

lkcl mentioned he wanted to prioritize funny mnemonics because he thought they were more memorable and made better PR.
Comment 2 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 2022-10-07 18:03:33 BST
(In reply to Jacob Lifshay from comment #1)

> lkcl mentioned he wanted to prioritize funny mnemonics because he thought
> they were more memorable and made better PR.

yes. imagine doing a FOSDEM talk, getting a laugh when presenting,
because adding an instruction to an ISA could be considered very
Comment 3 Paul Mackerras 2023-05-25 06:55:27 BST
Comments from IBM architects and toolchain developers about problems with the proposal:

Regarding instruction names and mnemonics, the architecture uses "m", not "mv", for moves. The relative order of "Immediate" and "Move" differs between the two instruction names (fmvis and fishmv).
Comment 4 Jacob Lifshay 2023-05-26 19:23:22 BST
found some useful statistics on which fp constants are commonly used:

I did some analysis on the values given to see if just fmvis, both fmvis/fishmv, or a full BFP64 are needed:

| Value                  | Occurrences | Fits in BFP32 | Fits in BFloat16 |
| 1.0                    | 1466        | 1             | 1                |
| 2.0                    | 615         | 1             | 1                |
| 3.0                    | 530         | 1             | 1                |
| 4.0                    | 413         | 1             | 1                |
| -1.0                   | 391         | 1             | 1                |
| 10.0                   | 333         | 1             | 1                |
| 5.0                    | 296         | 1             | 1                |
| 0.5                    | 238         | 1             | 1                |
| 6.0                    | 208         | 1             | 1                |
| 120.0                  | 201         | 1             | 1                |
| 60.0                   | 164         | 1             | 1                |
| 70.0                   | 147         | 1             | 1                |
| 7.0                    | 143         | 1             | 1                |
| 9.0                    | 134         | 1             | 1                |
| 150.0                  | 132         | 1             | 1                |
| Infinity               | 130         | 1             | 1                |
| -2.0                   | 128         | 1             | 1                |
| 16.0                   | 115         | 1             | 1                |
| 17.0                   | 111         | 1             | 1                |
| 130.0                  | 110         | 1             | 1                |
| 12.0                   | 109         | 1             | 1                |
| 18.0                   | 107         | 1             | 1                |
| 1280.0                 | 102         | 1             | 1                |
| 3600.0                 | 99          | 1             | 1                |
| 11.0                   | 91          | 1             | 1                |
| 90.0                   | 83          | 1             | 1                |
| NaN                    | 83          | 1             | 1                |
| -3.0                   | 81          | 1             | 1                |
| 8.0                    | 81          | 1             | 1                |
| -90.0                  | 79          | 1             | 1                |
| 2700.0                 | 77          | 1             | 0                |
| -4.0                   | 75          | 1             | 1                |
| 14.0                   | 73          | 1             | 1                |
| -5.0                   | 67          | 1             | 1                |
| 25.0                   | 67          | 1             | 1                |
| 30.0                   | 64          | 1             | 1                |
| 1000.0                 | 64          | 1             | 1                |
| 1.234                  | 63          | 0             | 0                |
| 20.0                   | 63          | 1             | 1                |
| 26.0                   | 62          | 1             | 1                |
| 2.2                    | 59          | 0             | 0                |
| 1.100000023841858      | 59          | 1             | 0                |
| -1.7363228039172371    | 56          | 0             | 0                |
| 10000000000.0          | 56          | 1             | 0                |
| -60.0                  | 56          | 1             | 1                |
| 1.1                    | 53          | 0             | 0                |
| 5.0e-324               | 52          | 0             | 0                |
| 1.0e+35                | 49          | 0             | 0                |
| 99.0                   | 48          | 1             | 1                |
| 100.0                  | 48          | 1             | 1                |
| 1.0000000000000001e-35 | 48          | 0             | 0                |
| 5.4324                 | 47          | 0             | 0                |
| 13.0                   | 46          | 1             | 1                |
| -0.5                   | 45          | 1             | 1                |
| -6.0                   | 44          | 1             | 1                |
| 110.0                  | 44          | 1             | 1                |
| -Infinity              | 41          | 1             | 1                |
| 0.25                   | 41          | 1             | 1                |
| 28.0                   | 41          | 1             | 1                |
| 21.0                   | 40          | 1             | 1                |
| 162.0                  | 38          | 1             | 1                |
| 3.3                    | 38          | 0             | 0                |
| 1.5                    | 37          | 1             | 1                |
| 15.0                   | 37          | 1             | 1                |
| 0.0                    | 36          | 1             | 1                |
| 123.0                  | 35          | 1             | 1                |
| 22.0                   | 35          | 1             | 1                |
| 80.0                   | 34          | 1             | 1                |
| 180.0                  | 34          | 1             | 1                |
| 23.0                   | 33          | 1             | 1                |
| 31.0                   | 28          | 1             | 1                |
Comment 5 Jacob Lifshay 2023-05-26 19:35:36 BST
(In reply to Paul Mackerras from comment #3)
> Comments from IBM architects and toolchain developers about problems with
> the proposal:
> Regarding instruction names and mnemonics, the architecture uses "m", not
> "mv", for moves. The relative order of "Immediate" and "Move" differs
> between the two instruction names (fmvis and fishmv).

i think it would be appropriate to rename the instructions like so:
fmvis -> fmis (floating move immediate shifted, like addis)
fishmv -> either fmil (floating move immediate lower) or fmi2 (floating move immediate 2nd-half/part-2 -- allows future extension for fmi3/fmi4 for full bfp64 if desired)
Comment 6 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton 2023-05-26 21:56:53 BST
sorry sorry sorry everyone, this was submitted and so should have
been closed.  i will cross-reference the action-points in the
new bugreport for feedback: bug #1092